kolmapäev, 30. juuli 2014

The Team Answers Your Questions!

Q by Formal Dude: What where you thinking when you chose your name while making your Club Penguin account?
A: When I decided to join Club Penguin, I wanted my penguin’s name to be ‘Bubble’, but the name was already taken. So, I started to think of things that rhymed with ‘Bubble’ and when I thought of ‘Dupple’, it just seemed right so I chose it!
Q by Pizza Dough: What do you think of Club Penguin Takeovers? Do they bother you or is it just fine? Do they take away the originality of club penguin or does it make CP better?
A: I think that some of the Takeovers are a really great ideas and are lots of fun! Sometimes, I feel like the Takeovers can go on for too long (more than 10 days) and there isn’t enough to do in them so they can become quite boring quickly. I have to agree that they do take away from the originality of Club Penguin as I do love the older parties (Water Party, Music Jam, Winter Fiesta etc.), but I think that they do bring a fresh look to the game which is beneficial.
 Q by Sabe2424: Do you wanna build a snowman? Also when did you first join Club Penguin?
A: Or ride our bikes around the hall? I joined Club Penguin on May 22nd 2007.
 Q by Smiley 48: Why do you like blogging? Any tips to up-and-coming CP bloggers?
A: I like blogging because I like to help people in finding things about Club Penguin that they wouldn’t have necessarily known about. I also love Club Penguin and it it a great way to love the game even more.

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