esmaspäev, 20. oktoober 2014

UK Magazine - Ghost Stories! ja Anniversary Celebration Sneak Peek

This year Club Penguin turns 9! Hooray!
Every year, there's an exclusive party hat, only available at the party. 
UPDATE: I'm silly and did not realize everyone knew the hat color already. Here is a new question: What color or design would you like to see for future party hats?!
Leave your suggestion in the comments below! And make sure to join us in the Coffee Shop Oct 23-29 to pick up your hat :D

The brand new issue of the fab UK Magazine is available in shops today, so I thought I'd give you all a quick sneak peek of my fave section; Celebrity Ghost Stories! With Halloween on the horizon, what better way to prepare for the spooky season than with some terrifying tales from some of CP's very own celebs? Take a look at one of the stories below, but be warned, it's not for the faint hearted... MWAH HA HA HA! Ahem.
Club Penguin Magazine Halloween
How spooky was that?! In addition to the Ghost Stories, this month's mag is haunted by hilarious comics and possessed by perplexing puzzles! :P
If you know any good ghost stories, perhaps you could leave a comment below! Try not to scare us all too much though...