pühapäev, 14. september 2014

Penguin of the Week: Roxy6449

By Daffodaily5 on September 5, 2014 - 05:12 | Comments (332)
Penguin of the Week time! This week, it's Roxy6449! This very thoughtful player loves to send her friends postcards every day, and loves organising snowball fights for everyone. She'll also cheer you up when you're feeling blue too. Thanks for being an awesome citizen on the island! :)
If you know someone worthy of being awarded the title of Penguin of the Week, leave your nomination in the comments below. All POTW winners get 10,000 coins and the tremendous POTW background. 
-Club Penguin Team

School & Skate Party Concept Art

Some of you may know that, by now, a lot of the artwork for the School & Skate party is complete. 
But, I think it's cool to look back and see where the room art started. It's a great peek into how the artists work. And then, during the party, you get to see the finished, polished rooms! It's crazy seeing how much work goes into drawing a room.
Here's some concept art from one of the upcoming party rooms:
Which existing room do you think will be transformed into this? Leave your guess in the comments below.
Waddle on!
-Club Penguin Team